Monday, May 2, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

When I first came to Puerto Vallarta, the beginning of May in 1991, I asked around about the best place in town to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

After all, I was here to have a good time and ready to party. Much to my surprise, no one knew anything about a Cinco de Mayo party back in those days.

Cinco de Mayo as it turns out, similar to St. Patrick´s Day for the Irish, seems to be more a question of marketing than anything else.

With the large population of Mexican descent living in the U.S. it makes sense to celebrate Mexican culture, and also, for many, an excuse to party hard.

In Mexico, Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in a very low-key manner. Sure, school-kids get the day off, but the only major parades and fiestas taking place south of the border are held in the city of Puebla, where there’s a military parade and a mock battle is staged to commemorate the battle of Puebla which is the origin of this holiday.

The holiday in Mexico does not have the same significance as it does in the United States.

In the U.S. it is a celebration of Mexican culture, and sometimes mistaken for Mexican Independence Day.

In Mexico, it is a commemoration of a battle which took place in Puebla in 1862, in which Mexican troops were triumphant over the French army.

Of the many battles fought on Mexican soil in the nineteenth century, only one — the Battle of Puebla, fought on May 5, 1862 — has given rise to a Mexican national holiday.

Origins and History of Cinco de Mayo:
In 1861, Mexico was facing a severe economic crisis and President Benito Juarez decided to temporarily stop payment on external debt in order to deal with the internal financial situation.

The countries Mexico was in debt to, Spain, England and France, were concerned about their payments and sent a delegation to Mexico to assess the situation.

Juarez was able to resolve the issue with Spain and Britain diplomatically, and they withdrew.

The French, however, had other plans.
Napoleon III, realizing the strategic importance of Mexico, as a neighbor to the growing power of the United States, decided it would be useful to make Mexico into an empire that he could control.

He decided to send his distant cousin, Maximilian of Hapsburg, to become emperor and rule Mexico backed up by the French army.

The French military were confident they would be able to overcome the Mexicans without undue difficulty, but were surprised in Puebla, when a much smaller battalion of Mexican soldiers, led by General Ignacio Zaragoza were able to defeat them on May 5th, 1862.

The war was far from over, however. More troops of French military arrived and eventually took over Mexico City, sending Benito Juarez’ government into exile.

Maximilian was crowned emperor of Mexico in 1864. Maximilian’s government held until Napoleon III withdrew French troops from Mexico in 1866.

Cinco de Mayo became a source of inspiration for Mexicans during the French occupation.

As a moment in which Mexicans had shown courage and determination in the face of a major colonial European power, it came to be a symbol of Mexican pride, unity and patriotism and is remembered every year.

It is often mistakenly thought to be Mexico’s Independence Day, which is actually September 16.

More of an emotional victory than a military one, to Mexicans the Battle of Puebla represents Mexican resolve and bravery in the face of an overwhelming foe.

The Reform War

The Battle of Puebla was not an isolated incident: there is a long and complicated history that led up to it.

In 1857, the “Reform War” broke out in Mexico.

It was a civil war that pitted Liberals (who believed in separation of church and state and freedom of religion) against the Conservatives (who favored a tight bond between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mexican State).

This brutal, bloody war left the nation in shambles and bankrupt.

When the war was over in 1861, Mexican President Benito Juarez suspended all payment of foreign debt: Mexico simply did not have any money.

Foreign Intervention

This angered Great Britain, Spain and France, countries which were owed a great deal of money.

The three nations agreed to work together to force Mexico to pay.

The United States, which had considered Latin America its “backyard” since the Monroe Doctrine (1823), was going through a Civil War of its own and in no position to do anything about European intervention in Mexico.

In December 1861 armed forces of the three nations arrived off the coast of Veracruz and landed a month later, in January 1862.

Desperate last-minute diplomatic efforts by the Juarez administration persuaded Britain and Spain that a war that would further devastate the Mexican economy was in no one’s interest, and Spanish and British forces left with promise of future payment.

France, however, was unconvinced and French forces remained on Mexican soil.

French March on Mexico City

French forces captured the city of Campeche on February 27 and reinforcements from France arrived soon after.

By early March, France’s modern military machine had an efficient army in place, poised to capture Mexico City.

Under the command of the Count of Lorencez, a veteran of the Crimean War, the French Army set out for Mexico City.

When they reached Orizaba, they held up for a while, as many of their troops had become ill.
Meanwhile, an army of Mexican regulars under the command of 33 year-old Ignacio Zaragoza marched to meet him.

The Mexican Army was about 4,500 men strong: the French numbered approximately 6,000 and were much better armed and equipped than the Mexicans.

The Mexicans occupied the city of Puebla and its two forts, Loreto and Guadalupe.

French Attack

On the morning of May 5, Lorencez moved to attack. He believed that Puebla would fall easily: his incorrect information suggested that the garrison was much smaller than it really was and that the people of Puebla would surrender easily rather than risk much damage to their city.

He decided on a direct assault, ordering his men to concentrate on the strongest part of the defense: Guadalupe fortress, which stood on a hill overlooking the city.

He believed that once his men had taken the fort and had a clear line to the city, the people of Puebla would be demoralized and would surrender quickly.

Attacking the fortress directly would prove a major mistake.

Lorencez moved his artillery into position and by noon had begun shelling Mexican defensive positions.

He ordered his infantry to attack three times: each time they were repulsed by the Mexicans.

The Mexicans were almost overrun by these assaults, but bravely held their lines and defended the forts.

By the third attack, the French artillery was running out of shells and therefore the final assault was unsupported by artillery.

French Retreat

The third wave of French infantry was forced to retreat. It had begun to rain, and the foot troops were moving slowly.

With no fear of the French artillery, Zaragoza ordered his cavalry to attack the retreating French troops.

What had been an orderly retreat became a rout, and Mexican regulars streamed out of the forts to pursue their foes.

Lorencez was forced to move the survivors to a distant position and Zaragoza called his men back to Puebla.

At this point in the battle, a young general named Porfirio Díaz made a name for himself, leading a cavalry attack.

“The National Arms have covered themselves in Glory”

It was a sound defeat for the French. Estimates place French casualties around 460 dead with almost that many wounded, while only 83 Mexicans were killed.

Lorencez’s quick retreat prevented the defeat from becoming a disaster, but still the battle became a huge morale-booster for the Mexicans.

Zaragoza sent a message to Mexico City, famously declaring “Las armas nacionales se han cubierto de gloria” or “The national arms (weapons) have covered themselves in glory.”

In Mexico City, President Juarez declared May 5th a national holiday in remembrance of the battle


The Battle of Puebla was not very important to Mexico from a military standpoint.

Lorencez was allowed to retreat and hold onto the towns he had already captured.

Soon after the battle, France sent 27,000 troops to Mexico under a new commander, Elie Frederic Forey.

This massive force was well beyond anything the Mexicans could resist, and it swept into Mexico City in June of 1863.

On the way, they besieged and captured Puebla.

The French installed Maximilian of Austria, a young Austrian nobleman, as Emperor of Mexico.

Maximilian’s reign lasted until 1867, when President Juarez was able to drive the French out and restore the Mexican government.

Young General Zaragoza died of typhoid not long after the Battle of Puebla.

Although the Battle of Puebla amounted to little from a military sense – it merely postponed the inevitable victory of the French army, which was larger, better trained and better equipped than the Mexicans – it nevertheless meant a great deal to Mexico in terms of pride and hope.
It showed them that the mighty French war machine was not invulnerable, and that determination and courage were powerful weapons.

The victory was a huge boost to Benito Juarez and his government.

It allowed him to hold onto power at a time when he was in danger of losing it, and it was Juarez who eventually led his people to victory against the French in 1867.

The battle also marks the arrival on the political scene of Porfirio Díaz, then a brash young general who disobeyed Zaragoza in order to chase down fleeing French troops.

Díaz would eventually get a lot of the credit for the victory and he used his new fame to run for president against Juárez.

Although he lost, he would eventually reach the presidency and lead his nation for many years.

History of Cinco de Mayo in the U.S.
Cinco de Mayo was first celebrated in the United States in Southern California in 1863 as a show of solidarity with Mexico against French rule.

It continued to be celebrated, and by the 1930s it was seen as an opportunity to celebrate Mexican identity, promote ethnic consciousness and build community solidarity.

In the 1950s and 60s Mexican-American youths appropriated the holiday and it gained a bi-national flavor, and its celebration was used as a way to build Mexican-American pride.

Celebrations sometimes acquired corporate sponsors, and this is the way the holiday began to take on a commercial flavor.

In the 1980s the holiday began to be commercialized on a wide scale.

Now Cinco de Mayo is promoted as the day to celebrate Mexican food, culture, traditions, and of course, booze.

For some it may just be an excuse to get drunk, but if it’s also an opportunity for people to learn more about Mexican culture and history, then it’s not completely wasted.

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