Sunday, June 19, 2011

Safety in Mexico-Current Situation

According to statistics released by the Bank of Mexico, in 2010, over 22 million foreigners visited Mexico. The majority of visits to Mexico remain trouble-free and the violence brought about by the ongoing drug-war situation has left tourists, foreign business visitors, foreign expatriates, and most Mexicans largely unaffected.

Violent Crime in Mexico
Violent crime committed against visitors is rare in Mexico. Petty crime, e.g. pick-pocketing and bag grabbing can be an issue in some areas; Common sense and being alert to your surroundings will minimize any risks

Published Statistics
Notwithstanding the near-constant media headlines which are currently serving to portray Mexico in a less-than-ideal light, published statistics reveal that most of Mexico remains a safe place for tourists, visitors, business travelers, and foreign expatriates.

Sensible Safety Precautions
Dress Down - Don’t walk around dripping gold or wearing clothes and jewelry which might bring undue attention to you or others with you.
Cash Machines (ATMs) - Avoid withdrawing cash from ATMs at night; be vigilant when you are withdrawing cash, use ATMs in well-populated areas..Pickpockets - Every city in the world has its organized gangs of pickpockets; be alert especially in crowded areas like bus stations, airport, busy shopping areas, etc.
Sports and Aquatic Equipment - Take extra care when hiring local services involving sports aquatic equipment in Mexico, especially SCUBA diving, parasailing and jet skis. With SCUBA Diving, ensure that the firm you are dealing with is fully qualified, established and has a good reputation locally.
Some parasailing units move from beach to beach, selling services to people sunbathing and relaxing on the sands. Beware, as they may not be safe. Some hotels are beginning to warn their guests off these services due to previous accidents; ask locally for advice—also ask locally if you are unsure about any Jet Ski rental outfits.

Petty Crime in Mexico
Pick-pockets, bag-snatchers and opportunist thieves operate everywhere, and especially in crowded places. They also operate on local buses and microbuses, and at some tourist sites and some beaches, as well as busy local markets. Keep personal items to a minimum when you are out and about, and carry only small amounts of cash.

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