Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power of Intuition

It happened that while visiting with a psychotherapist friend, we got into the subject of the connection of awaking the power of intuition and getting in touch with ones personal spiritual gifts as a tool in working through unsettled situations. This statement got me thinking that everyone has the power of intuition, spiritual gifts and capacities that are meant to be used to guide and direct our lives. We have become conditioned to using our physical senses and logical thinking as the compass to how we proceed with life. By fine-tuning our intuition, observing life’s road signs such as coincidences, we will be able to choose more effortlessly, with fewer detours, the direction we could be taking. That’s called being “on purpose”.
Spiritual gifts include intuition, discernment, precognition, spiritual empathy, compassion, visionary skills, perception, powers of healing oneself and others, telepathy and the overall feeling of abundance and joy.
Intuition is a clear knowledge or insight of what is right for you, free of any logical or rational processes. Intuition is a function of the sixth chakra. Chakras are energy stations in a line along the front of the body and head. Intuition is common for all of us. Accessing and developing intuition is a natural gift that can be developed and fine-tuned. With the natural gifts of nurturing (maybe that’s why mothers are naturally intuitive) comes the sixth sense, or “gut” feeling,
The sixth chakra is located in the center of the brow, above both eyes, just above the bridge of the nose. In metaphysics, it is referred to as the “third eye. My friend claims you can activate these areas of your body and energy fields to increase levels of intuition and pure knowing of right action in tough situations.
Here is a couple of exercises and observations you can practice to get the energy flowing.
Stop justifying, defending and explaining yourself in your day-to-day conversations. Every time you do, you discount what you “know” to be true and right for you. Embrace your truth and wear it boldly.
Imagine you have a third eye situated at the point mentioned above. Place your middle finger on the bridge of your nose and push up a couple of inches, breathing deeply, imagining you are opening the eyelid. This is a tool you can use before going into a confusing and difficult situation.
Practice yoga meditation, prayer, observation and song.
We are essentially spiritual and highly intuitive beings. Sometimes we run into trouble trusting what we know, and all too often look outside ourselves for permission or validation. Confusion sets in when are actions and attitudes are in conflict with intuition. Confusion and anxiety (stress) is your inner self sending red lights and flags. You may be able to pull off this role playing for a while, but sooner or later, your true nature will unfold, like a caged bird taking flight, this causes confusion around you.
So, trust your gut feelings. All your answers are inside you waiting to be awakened and shared. Both men and women, who are willing to use their intuition, play a great role in our present time and the changes in the near future. Trust your inner knowing, develop your intuition, and you will enrich your life by being true to yourself the lives of those around you.

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