Friday, March 11, 2011

World Premier Performance in Vallarta

Vallarta’s musical family, the Oliveros Family, will be highlighted during the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra’s upcoming concert, Sunday, March 27th, at the American School Puerto Vallarta, Colegio Americano, 8:00 p.m.

José Felix Oliveros’ Fugue in E minor, for string quartet, is on the program making its debut performance.

Fugues are an ambitious undertaking for even the most seasoned of composers, as the instruments “do battle” in their attempt to reclaim the “main theme” from one another.

Yet, even in these comparatively early stages of Jose’s career, the audience is sure to be dazzled by the complexity of his composition. He truly captures the essence of the fugue’s characteristics.
Adding even more “flavor” to this special performance, Jose’s brother, Reyes Abelardo Oliveros, one of the Chamber Orchestra’s violinists, will be making his first appearance in the Chamber Orchestra’s String Quartet; as they perform his brother’s Fugue.

You won’t want to miss this concert, as the spotlight will be on these two remarkably talented brothers . . . . . and that is just one ingredient in what promises to be a memorable evening of music to close the Vallarta Chamber Orchestra’s 7th season.

Sunday, March 27th / the American School, Colegio Americano. Under the Direction of Conductor, Don Bieghler
8:00 p.m. / $100 peso donation at the door FREE Admission for Students and Children Website

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