Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Michael R. Lee B.Sc., M.D., M.C.F.P. (E.M.), D.A.B.E.M., F.A.C.E.P. Sure Results Weight Loss Inc.

Back when I was in med school there was some thought obesity may have one benefit and that was the prevention of osteoporosis – weakening of the bones. This thought was based upon the knowledge that bone density increases, strengthening the bones, when they are exposed to stresses.

It was surmised that since the impact of walking and running stresses the bones, then it only makes sense that doing any form of impact exercise carrying extra weight should only help.

Well, it turns out this is wrong too but for a number of reasons nobody even thought about until just recently when lab tests and radiological imaging became more sophisticated.

Fat cells, especially visceral fat, (the fat hidden inside our abdominal cavities) produce a substance that is now known to actively make bones thinner and weak.

In addition to that, obesity, especially visceral obesity increases the amount of fat in the bone marrow which also contributes to bone weakness.
So now we have to add Osteoporosis to the never-ending and ever-expanding list of diseases that accompany obesity which include heart disease, type ll diabetes, vascular disease, stroke and hypertension.

The medical community has numerous and varied recommendations for the treatment of Osteoporosis. The ones we all seem to agree on are Vitamin D, weight loss and exercise.

The Vitamin D one is easy. Get out in the sun exposing as much skin as you can without sun block. Work your way slowly up to 20 minutes being careful not to burn.

Twenty minutes in the sun with lots of skin exposed will give you 20,000 units of Vitamin D.

The other two remedies are not as simple. To be effective, a diet must be well planned, coached and medically supervised, especially if there are any medical or medication issues.

Some people, especially if they are carrying a great deal of extra weight, simply cannot exercise efficiently enough to contribute to their weight loss or level of fitness. A gentle stroll through the park won’t do it. We think it’s wise to lose the weight first safely and quickly and then bring up the level of exercise.

 Barbara lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks

I am extremely pleased with the Sure Results program. After attempting several other diet and exercise programs with minimal results, I can easily say that this was the best program I have ever done. I am down three dress sizes and twenty pounds; I feel great and am so happy with my new figure. My gallbladder discomfort and digestive problems have virtually disappeared. Headaches are a thing of the past, my energy has quadrupled and I am no longer dependant on Zantac and Tums. Now I weigh what I did when I was in my thirties and am down to a size six!

We have a 100% success rate in helping our clients lose weight. If you are struggling with this frustration we can help. Visit our web site (www.sureresults.net) and learn more about this amazing hormonally based weight loss program that is changing the lives of everyone who does it.

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